Project Assessment

a.    Pitching (W2):
-       Each groups must come up with 5 potential products that adhere to the product outline, and a sketch drawing on an A4 paper with all the features and dimensions of each product are clarified to the lecturer for approval.
-       After pitching, the lecturer will choose 3 out of 5 potential products from the pitch and the groups are to prepare the selected products for proposal presentation.
b.    Proposal presentation (W3): 10% marks allocation
-       Presentation using audio-visual aids.
-       1st part: Group Name & Logo elaboration (2%)
-       2nd part: Organization Chart with definitive job specs. (2%)
-       3rd part: Product Proposal – (6%)
i. Product Specifications with traced diagrams of all 3 products.
ii. Estimation of running costs.
iii. Commercial Storyline on all 3 products
-       At the end of the proposal, the best product are chosen by the lecturer and the group are to prepare and develop the product for final presentation on Week 12.
c.    Final presentation (W12): 15% marks allocation
-       Product background: 5%
i.              Title of the product
ii.            Product assembling with photo evidence.
iii.           Final costing table.
-       Product Demo: 5%
i.              Features
ii.            Outlook
iii.           Efficiency
-       Packaging & Video: 5%
i.              Suitability
ii.            Effectiveness of the design to communicate the product’s brand.
iii.           Approach used to justify the product.

d.    Final report (W13): 15% marks allocation
1. Front Cover: 3%
- Project Title
- Group Name & Logo
- Group Members
- Class / Section
- Lecturer's Name

2. General Outline: 5%
a.Header: - on the upper left " Course Title (Course Code)"
b. Footer: - Pagination at the lower right.
c. Text with 1.5 spacing between lines & 2 spacing after title.
d. Font style recommendation: Arial
e. Font Size: - in page-title:16 pt
- sub page title:14 pt
- Contents:12 pt.

3. Contents: 5%
a. 1st section: Table of contents
b. 2nd section: Group Structure:
- Organization Chart with J. Responsibilities
- Group name & Logo Elaboration
- Team Agreement
- Memos & Minutes of Meetings.
c. 3rd section: Group Report:
- Title of the product
- Traced diagram of product.
- Product assembling with photo evidence.
- Final costing table.
- Gantt Chart
d. 4th section: Individual Report:
- Job Responsibilities (ie: Product Developer)
- Weekly overall task report from W4-W12
(refer to MPM report template).

4. CD/DVD Pocket: 2%
a. CD/DVD attachment containing:
- Report and Presentation Slides
- Video commercial.
* Footnote: A friendly reminder;
- Video commercial max duration is not more than 30 seconds.
- Plus minus 10 seconds for contingency reason (30 +10 = 40 seconds).
- Montage before commercial must contain group name, product name and course title.
- Narration, voice over & descriptive texts are to be in English (obviously).


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